Baby massage: a sensory experience - 1pm 2 November 2019

Baby massage: a sensory experience - 1pm 2 November 2019


Considering your baby’s unique sensory preferences, this class gently supports babies of all ages to explore a variety of sensations, with the help of their caregivers and at their own pace. Caregivers will leave with ideas about using sensory strategies for calming infants and preparing babies to engage in activities.

1pm Saturday 2 November

Soho Yoga
16 Balndford Street, Grange
Brisbane, QLD, Australia

More information

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1. All bookings are fully refundable up until 24 hours before commencement when a written request for cancellation is made (e.g. email to or online “contact us” form)

2a. When booked as a “3 Class Package”, commencement refers to the start time of the first session - i.e. the first class in the set of three classes.

2b. If classes are booked individually, commencement refers to the start time of the each individual class session.

3. Bookings that are cancelled within 24 hours of class commencement (as per 2a and 2b) will receive full credit for future use. No credit or refund is available for bookings that are cancelled after commencement.